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Satu yang terakhir namun tetap penting, Milis dan Weblog PA-DKI adalah resmi di bawah naungan Direktur Pemuda Advent Konferens DKI Jakarta & Sekitarnya yang sekarang diemban oleh Pdt. Daniel Rampen.

Salam Pemuda,

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

A Very Interesting Conversation

An Atheist Professor of Philosophy was speaking to his Class on the Problem Science has
with GOD, the ALMIGHTY. He asked one of his New Christian Students to stand and . . .

Professor : You are a Christian, aren't you, son ?
Student : Yes, sir.

Professor : So, you Believe in GOD ?
Student : Absolutely, sir.

Professor : Is GOD Good ?
Student : Sure.

Professor : Is GOD ALL - POWERFUL ?
Student : Yes.

Professor : My Brother died of Cancer even though he Prayed to GOD to Heal him.
Most of us would attempt to help others who are ill. But GOD didn't. How is this GOD good then? Hmm?
(Student was silent )

Professor : You can't answer, can you ? Let's start again, Young Fella. Is GOD Good?
Student : Yes.

Professor : Is Satan good ?
Student : No.

Professor : Where does Satan come from ?
Student : From . . . GOD . . .

Professor : That's right. Tell me son, is there evil in this World?
Student : Yes.

Professor : Evil is everywhere, isn't it ? And GOD did make everything. Correct?
Student : Yes.

Professor : So who created evil ?
(Student did not answer)

Professor : Is there Sickness? Immorality? Hatred? Ugliness? All these terrible things exist in the World, don't they?
Student : Yes, sir.

Professor : So, who Created them ?
(Student had no answer)

Professor : Science says you have 5 Senses you use to Identify and Observe the World around you. Tell me, son . . . Have you ever Seen GOD?
Student : No, sir.

Professor : Tell us if you have ever Heard your GOD?
Student : No , sir.

Professor : Have you ever Felt your GOD, Tasted your GOD, Smelt your GOD ? Have you ever had any Sensory Perception of GOD for that matter?
Student : No, sir. I'm afraid I haven't.

Professor : Yet you still Believe in HIM?
Student : Yes.

Professor : According to Empirical, Testable, Demonstrable Protocol, Science says your GOD doesn't exist. What do you say to that, son?
Student : Nothing. I only have my Faith.

Professor : Yes,Faith. And that is the Problem Science has.
Student : Professor, is there such a thing as Heat?

Professor : Yes.
Student : And is there such a thing as Cold?

Professor : Yes.
Student : No, sir. There isn't.

(The Lecture Theatre became very quiet with this turn of events )

Student : Sir, you can have Lots of Heat, even More Heat, Superheat, Mega Heat, White Heat,
a Little Heat or No Heat. But we don't have anything called Cold.
We can hit 458 Degrees below Zero which is No Heat, but we can't go any further after that.
There is no such thing as Cold. Cold is only a Word we use to describe the Absence of Heat.
We cannot Measure Cold. Heat is Energy. Cold is Not the Opposite of Heat, sir, just the
Absence of it.

(There was Pin-Drop Silence in the Lecture Theatre )

Student : What about Darkness, Professor? Is there such a thing as Darkness?
Professor : Yes. What is Night if there isn't Darkness?

Student : You're wrong again, sir. Darkness is the Absence of Something You can have Low Light, Normal Light, Bright Light, Flashing Light . . .
But if you have No Light constantly, you have nothing and its called Darkness, isn't it?
In reality, Darkness isn't.
If it is, were you would be able to make Darkness Darker, wouldn't you?
Professor : So what is the point you are making, Young Man ?

Student : Sir, my point is your Philosophical Premise is flawed.
Professor : Flawed ? Can you explain how?

Student : Sir, you are working on the Premise of Duality.
You argue there is Life and then there is Death, a Good GOD and a Bad GOD.
You are viewing the Concept of GOD as something finite, something we can measure.
Sir, Science can't even explain a Thought.
It uses Electricity and Magnetism, but has never seen, much less fully understood either one.
To view Death as the Opposite of Life is to be ignorant of the fact that
Death cannot exist as a Substantive Thing.
Death is Not the Opposite of Life: just the Absence of it
Now tell me, Professor, do you teach your Students that they evolved from a Monkey?
Professor : If you are referring to the Natural Evolutionary Process, yes, of course, I do.

Student : Have you ever observed Evolution with your own eyes, sir?

(The Professor shook his head with a Smile, beginning to realize where the Argument was going )

Student : Since no one has ever observed the Process of Evolution at work and Cannot even prove that this Process is an On-Going Endeavor, Are you not teaching your Opinion, sir?
Are you not a Scientist but a Preacher?

(The Class was in Uproar )

Student : Is there anyone in the Class who has ever seen the Professor's Brain?

(The Class broke out into Laughter )

Student : Is there anyone here who has ever heard the Professor's Brain, Felt it, touched or Smelt it? . . .
No one appears to have done so.
So, according to the Established Rules of Empirical, Stable, Demonstrable Protocol, Science says that You have No Brain, sir.
With all due respect, sir, how do we then Trust your Lectures, sir?

(The Room was Silent. The Professor stared at the Student, his face unfathomable)

Professor : I guess you'll have to take them on Faith, son.
Student : That is it sir . . . Exactly !

The Link between Man & GOD is FAITH.
That is all that Keeps Things Alive and Moving.
(Author Unknown)

NB: I believe you have enjoyed the Conversation . . . and if so .. .
You'll probably want your Friends / Colleagues to enjoy the same . . . won't you?
Forward them to Increase their Knowledge . . . or FAITH.


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ARTIKEL: Bagaimana Berkhotbah



Bahan pelajaran asli dari Pdt. Andreas Samudera.  Disadur dan diadaptasi dan diperkembangkan oleh Pdt. Sammy Lee


Bahan ‘Bagaimana Berkhotbah’ ini dipersiapkan untuk melatih pekerja-pekerja Rumah Doa segala Bangsa agar mereka mampu berkhotbah dengan penuh kuasa.  Disini diberikan syarat-syarat dan kaidah-kaidah yang perlu diketahui dan dijiwai oleh seorang yang ingin menjadi pengkhotbah yang berkuasa.  Bahan ini masih merupakan garis besar saja yang masih perlu diuraikan secara lebih luas dan ditambahi dengan contoh-contoh pendek agar lebih jelas. Namun bagi mereka yang ingin mempergunakannya sebagai bahan latihan bagi pekerja gereja Tuhan, anda dapat mempergunakannya dengan menambahkan inovasi sendiri.


Bahan ini dibagikan  dalam 4 bagian yang dibawakan selama 4 sesi, menjadi semacam kursus dengan praktek langsung pada setiap sesinya. Peserta dapat dibagi dalam kelompok-kelompok 4 orang atau sebanyak-banyaknya 6 orang. Pada setiap sesi peserta diberi waktu 10 sampai 15 menit untuk praktek berkhotbah secara bergilir, sementara yang lain mengisi daftar penilaian terhadap pembicara. Hasil penilaian ini diberikan langsung kepada pembicara agar ia tahu apa pendapat orang lain terhadap penyampaiannya.


Anda boleh memakai bahan ini dengan bebas, dengan syarat anda mau sekedar memberitahukan kami dengan singkat ke alamat e-mail:


Juga kami meminta pendapat dan saran anda bila anda telah memakainya, agar kami dapat memperbaiki untuk penggunaan yang lebih baik dikemudian hari.

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